Things look pretty good on the listview front. In fact, I am kindda happy the way things are, as the S-series patches were rather tricky at points...
Currently, I know of the following problems: -- Newsbin dies swiftly (reported my Rein Klazes) -- FTPCommander seems to experience some listview-related faults (reported by Carlos Lozano) -- Xnews has some minor focus rectangle problems (discovered by myself :)) -- IDAdemo _may_ have some minor drawing glitches (ditto)
At this point, I would like to ask everybody that is aware of a listview problem to report it. I might not be able to put as much time, and effort into listview, as I did lately, so the more of a complete picture I have now, the better the chances that I'm gonna fix it.
Next on my TODO: -- Fix Newsbin's crash (BTW, Rein I need a new trace with the latest CVS, if possible) -- Store per-column info into the listview (see the second status update for details)
If you feel that there is a particular are of the listview that needs attention, let me know so I can work it into my TODO, time permitting.