Few things remain before I'm satisfied with the state of wrc. Here is a list of them: -- the -B option: I think this is a the wrong interface. The Win32 API has been ported to Big Endian machines IIRC, and there is no point allowing people to mock with alignment like so: it opens up a BIG can of worms for future support and maintenance. And I don't see how it can be useful -- the Wine code assumes a certain endianess, and that's exactly what wrc should output. NOTE: Of course, I just realized that the argument holds as long as the .res format has a fixed endianess on all platform. I hope it does. Anyone cares to enlighten me?
-- we may need a -r option for compatibility with rc. rc used to have a -r option, it is now ignored for backwards compatibility. Anyone know if this is old enough that we can safely ignore? Up to what version was the option required? It is curretly used in the Mozilla source, so we were wondering if we could remove it from there as well.
-- the -m option. rc doesn't have it, why do we need it? We are using it in the Wine tree, do we really need it? Personally, I'd be happier if we could get rid of it, so we don't depend on Wine-only extensions.
-- I would like to add a -U option (undefine), for compatibility with rc. In fact, wpp should support it as well, for compatibility with cpp.
That's it. Any more ideas? I would like to get this out of the way soon, any comments or suggestions are most welcome.