Rob wrote:
Jerry's patch *does* fix the UI issues actually - B1 through B4 - any idea why it isn't applied to the CVS tree? We have the version out of CVS,
definately has issues with B1-B4.
I know it fixes B1, B2, and partially B4, but I'm not so sure about B3. WINAMP still has issue B4 even with my patch applied.
The patch is a little tricky :-). I intended to place a button on the taskbar for a popup window. M$'s document says application windows and popup windows which not owned will be displayed on the taskbar - When I open the web page today, I found it says a button is placed on the taskbar for a windows that isn't owned without mentioning that it has WS_POPUP style, seems my mistake. As I happened to know that a managed window on WINE is displayed on the taskbar and noticed that WINDOWS wouldn't change a popup window's style to have it displayed on the taskbar, I changed these windows' managed state. But I am not sure that it is the right way to get things work.