Mike Hearn a écrit :
The problem with ASCII art is that the website uses a proportional font so it looks all messed up.
which one ? I just checked the MM and the ntdll/kernel sections and they look ok here. looks more a html browser setting issue, rather than a winehq one (unless you don't have fixed fonts installed)
I think a good janitorial task would be for somebody to install Inkscape and convert the ASCII art diagrams we have in the docs to SVG, so they could be rendered to PNGs or something and become a part of the developer guide.
IMO, we should be able to build the doc without too many dependencies and also still to be able to generate PS, pdf and even full txt documentation. The real solution would be SVG embedded in DocBook so that it could be rendered into the various output formats. But this doesn't seem to be fully ready for prime time (at least last time I checked).