On Monday 08 December 2008 22:49:15 Jeremy Newman wrote:
I tweaked the font sizes a bit.
Tijl Coosemans wrote:
On Monday 08 December 2008 20:42:30 Jeremy Newman wrote:
This is because of the "font-size: medium". IE Renders medium text much larger than Gecko and Webkit. I prefer to use "font-size: 12px;", but that disables IEs ability to change the text size via the page drop down.
I will revert back to my method as this gives me the fine grain control over font size that I desire.
That makes it unreadable on high DPI screens. What about 10pt or something?
I have some issues with the side bar of AppDB because the style for mouse hover changes the font weight. This should be avoided on any web site.
Depending on browser and settings this can cause insane flickering - changing the layout of the text in frame leaves the mouse pointer outside the text so text changes to non-hover then back to hover ad infinitum.
Paul Chitescu