Lately I have been having a problem with wineconsole spitting out the following errors and failing to load.
err:wineconsole:WCUSER_SetFont wrong font err:wineconsole:WCUSER_SetFont wrong font err:wineconsole:WCUSER_SetFont wrong font err:wineconsole:WCUSER_SetFont wrong font err:wineconsole:WINECON_Fatal Couldn't find a decent font, aborting
I had the stock RedHat 7.2 fonts loaded as well as the stock ms-windows when I first got this error. Now I have installed the XFree86 font from Ximian and it still cannot find a "decent" font. At this point with several hundred fonts to choose from I am suprised that it could not find one that it liked.
In the past (upto the middle of November) wineconsole was quite happy with "clean 10". Does anyone have a suggestion on what should I do.