On Tuesday 12 August 2003 03:57 pm, Alexandre Julliard wrote:
"Gregory M. Turner" gmturner007@ameritech.net writes:
Would love to hear if I have not done things in a properly "SETUPAPI" way, i.e., am I supposed to be performing certain logging or memory allocation rituals, anything like that?
One ritual is that you should not use msvcrt from other dlls, this will cause trouble with apps that use the Unix libc.
That was a bit of laziness and is definitely fixable. Worst case, it will require that I "re-implement" _open() & family within setupapi, in terms of CreateFile & family. Presumably, just such code can be found in the msvcrt sources -- unless somebody knows some kernel32 place, or some more obscure place, where I could find similar functions (to _open, _close, _read, _write, & _lseek) already linked to setupapi?