o Failure in the child process doesn't cause failure of the test (is there someone else who has this solved for their test whose code I can borrow?)
couldn't you test the output of GetExitProcess (and ensure that when a test fails, we somehow return an error code) ?
o rpcss.exe.so runs from the INSTALLED wine, not from the build tree!! This is totally unacceptable, but I'm not sure what would be a wise way to solve the problem. I need to change the way rpcss gets invoked by rpcrt4.dll. The best I can think of so far, would be to provide some global override (via a function call, I guess) for where rpcss.exe.so should be found, and then use this "feature" to ensure that during testing, rpcss.exe.so is invoked from the build tree instead of from the PATH environment variable. Any thoughts on this?
what about an environment variable ? we already use something like this for the wineserver (WINESERVER), the wine console (WINECONSOLE)... why not rpcss (WINERPCSS) ?
o There's a way to tell midl to deal with these namespace issues automagically so that the same .exe can be it's own client and server without a namespace conflict.... anyone know of such a feature?
there isn't is ATM however, MS' midl has a /prefix option that does just what you need sounds like the way to go
(another solution would be to put either client or server in a DLL (in fact a wine builtin DLL) so that you separate the name space between to two