Vincent Béron wrote:
Christian Costa a écrit:
Lionel Ulmer wrote:
Hi all,
This makes games which do NOT enumerate the sound devices and go through the ClassFactory work.
It has also some miscellaneous tracing fixes.
- misc. tracing fixes
- handle IID_IDirectSound(8) as the default sound driver
A ce que je vois ton patch remplace le mien (qui n'a pas ete accepte d'ailleurs)...
P'tite curiosite.. :-) : Mais qu'est ce que ces foutues IIDs viennent faire a la place des GUID des devices ? C'est une bidouille ou bien DirectSoundCreate les acceptent vraiment ?
Envoyé en français par erreur à la liste probablement Christian? :)
Whole translation for non-french speaking people here:
I see that your patch replaces mine (which hasn't been accepted yet)...
Out of curiosity... :-) : What all those bloody IIDs do instead of devices' GUID? Is it a gimmick or does DirectSoundCreate really accepts them?
(me) Sent to the list by mistake in French Christian? :)
Arghhh! I should better go to sleep! Really sorry... :-( But well! Thanks for the translation though. :-)