I've been able to find a lot of pages on how to run debug commands when trying to run WinApps, but they all seem to be oriented towards programmers working on modifying the code. I'm not a programmer, so my work would be more towards trying to figure out what combination of native vs builtin DLLs to use, what other DLLs I need to track down, what registry entries to modify, etc.
For example; one of the apps I'd need to figure out is eBay's TurboLister (sometimes known as TurtleLister or TurdLister; it's for posting ebay auctions). I know it needs MSIE, but beyond that it still has other problems. I managed to get the install to run under Crossover Office, but then it crashes about 1 minute into using it.
So what I need is a site with information on how to kludge an installation to run some particular app.