"preparing" when last traces are: fixme:debug:FlushInstructionCache (0xffffffff,0x41ba2880,0x0000000d): stub fixme:cabinet:FDICreate (pfnalloc == ^0x603ce62a, pfnfree == ^0x603ce7b4, pfnopen == ^0x603c4143, pfnread == ^0x603c41ae, pfnwrite == ^0x603c41c0, pfnclose == ^0x603c41e4, pfnseek == ^0x603c41d2, cpuType == -1, perf == ^0x40730978): stub fixme:cabinet:FDICopy (hfdi == ^(nil), pszCabinet == ^0x4073099c, pszCabPath == ^0x40730aa0, flags == 0, pfnfdin == ^0x603c41f5, pfnfdid == ^(nil), pvUser == ^0x40730978): stub trace:ole:GetErrorInfo (0, 0x407310ec, (nil)): stub:
For this one, use native Cabinet DLL (I managed to install it from what I remember).
PS: you in vacation to send so many Wine mails :-) ?