Hi Kai,
Thank you for your feedback.
On 26/05/18 19:34, Kai Krakow wrote:
Resent to wine-devel.
2018-05-26 11:33 GMT+02:00 Kai Krakow kai@kaishome.de:
First words: Thanks to you and many other people here for a really fantastic job of bringing thinks forward in wine-vanilla. I think (and can confirm personally) that Wine made huge steps forward in the past months, and I attribute that mostly to the efforts that have gone into reviving the staging project and getting patches into mainline. For me, a lot of games have seen vast improvements without using the staging patchsets. I only cherry-pick a few patches from staging (like nvcuda/nvapi) to get things work. I don't use the patchset workflow but instead rely on the all-patches-rebased branch from wine-staging to do that, rebasing my own cherry-picks. And I've seen lots of improvements here, too, for wine-staging: Rebase conflicts have gone down a lot. And especially this is a huge time saver... Time for putting efforts into other parts of development.
Its great to know that our hard work is paying off for the community.
So great thanks to all people involved, even when some decisions may cause some rumblings here and there, I can imagine the bigger plan of this with a great result.
But I think it makes sense to not blindly accept everything and add _valuable_ discussion.
As patches are brought to our attention, they are assessed on a per patch basis. Greater chance if they contain tests ;)
Thanks Alistair.