Well for now there are not much Linux viruses around. It is possible to write an antivirus program (I have not heard of any yet) for Linux/Unix.
if antivirus check for a signature, it should find it. it would be more difficult for polyforms virii of course. As of today, I don't think that people willing to write virii for (against) Linux would use wine as their insertion media
And there are antivirus programs for Windows. But how do you check for viruses that directly affects the Linux/Unix environment embedded within a Windows app? I believe running windows apps in wine should be trusted the same way as enabling java in a web browser.
there are some validity checks against the PE (file format). however, wine doesn't provide a sandbox. intercepting linux syscalls isn't enough you need also to prevent : 1/ read/write to wine memory (which would trigger some other nice side effects) 2/ read/write of local files (which isn't allowed for java in web browser by default...) 3/ know if a requested operation (syscall, win32 api call) is malicious or not
so wine will not protect users from windows programs
the best thing to do (see some recent discussion on wine-devel on this topic) is to limit the part of the disk wine will be allowed to read/write to
Has an int 0x80 any purpose in Windows environment?
under dos it sure has (don't have Ralf Brown list handy)
Cant you fix this with ptrace?
Are you really sure?
you will need to: 1/ know which part of memory is calling (wine DLLs vs program exec vs loaded DLLs) [regular windows API must be allowed to call linux syscalls] 2/ allow disallow the traps you want 3/ and because of the point 1 above, this will not be of any protection.
for example, look at the following scheme: 1/ get the address of the implementation of an API in wine 2/ call Win32 API to allow write access to this part of memory 3/ modify the code the make the linux syscall you want 4/ call in this API.
of course, you could in the ptrace code check for CRC of memory (or calling page), but I wouldn't dare to use the final performance of such a beast
if you have enough time to loose on this, feel free to do it