On Mon, Jan 08, 2007 at 11:49:49PM +0100, Bernard Choppy wrote:
Good day,
online@noteworthysoftware.com sent a patch covering bug 7040 I've initiated.
The problem is that wine doesn't handle properly Symbol-encoded fonts, which makes rendering of special fonts (in this case, music notation for the NoteWorthy version 2 softwares) inaccurate.
I suppose he will sent this patch too, but to make sure, please find it here.
< static LPWSTR FONT_mbtowc(LPCSTR str, INT count, INT *plenW)
static LPWSTR FONT_mbtowc(HDC hdc, LPCSTR str, INT count, INT *plenW)
Please use "diff -u".
Ciao, Marcus