See my answers inline just under your questions.
On Sunday 07 February 2010 04:26:59 pm Nikolay Sivov wrote:
On 2/5/2010 17:54, Paul Chitescu wrote:
Changelog: qedit: Add pins, IMemInputPin implementation and grabbing to
This time I checked it applies. Sorry.
+/* Sample Grabber pin implementation */
+typedef struct _SG_Pin {
- IPin pin;
This should be const IPinVtbl.
I'm extending IPin which contains the vtable itself. The resulting binary code should be the same but with less casting so less chances of errors.
- WCHAR const *name;
- struct _SG_Impl *sg;
- IPin *pair;
If it's a list why not SG_Pin* here?
Because it's not a list. There are exactly 2 fixed pins and they are members of the SampleGrabber structure.
+} SG_Pin;
Also I don't see why such helpers are needed:
static ULONG SampleGrabber_addref(SG_Impl *This)
Why not use common Ixxxx_AddRef() on grabber anywhere you need it?
It's the same object. Why have different code paths? Why reimplement AddRef (or worse, the more complex Release or QueryInterface) with the potential of introducing errors whenever one modifies just one of the versions?
Implementing just one of the intefaces (say, IBaseFilter) is equally possible but the traces are more confusing. At least SampleGrabber_addref() makes no false assumptions about which interface was used to call it.