On Tue, May 5, 2009 at 6:08 PM, Kjell Rune Skaaraas kjella79@yahoo.no wrote:
However, I've been looking at the functions in the trace and it doesn't seem to be any of these functions causing the crash. Now, having looked at what msvcrt.dll is, it's much, much more than these functions, it's the C Run-Time dll and contains lots of functions, most are probably very standard and so don't contain any TRACEs. The only thing I can think of being the cause is that it must be some sort of untraced function causing this.
Add traces to the untraced functions.
I'm sorta out of my depth here on fixing this thing, how would you go about solving it? I think I'd be 90% of the way there if I could just figure out what functions it's really calling. Is there any way to track every access to the DLL, and I mean every? Like say a wrapper that would output a trace line then it calls the wine/real DLL?