Hi Hans,
On 11/23/18 11:35 AM, Hans Leidekker wrote:
DWORD status;
HANDLE thread;
struct resolve_args ra;
ra.hostname = hostname;
ra.port = port;
ra.sa = sa;
thread = CreateThread( NULL, 0, resolve_proc, &ra, 0, NULL );
if (!thread) return FALSE;
struct async_resolve async;
status = WaitForSingleObject( thread, timeout );
if (status == WAIT_OBJECT_0) GetExitCodeThread( thread, &ret );
CloseHandle( thread );
async.hostname = hostname;
async.port = port;
async.addr = addr;
if (!(async.done = CreateEventW( NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL ))) return FALSE;
if (!TrySubmitThreadpoolCallback( resolve_proc, &async, NULL ))
The patch looks good to me, but note that we could consider just using GetAddrInfoEx instead (although it doesn't support timeout yet).