I'm not very familiar with how the winelook is handled in code, what does it do exactly? if it simply affects system metrics & colors that would be easily merged with themes, if its more then that (like for example different common dialogs) it may be more difficult
Full blown theming in windows uses a combination of .theme files and .msstyles files.
.theme files I believe existed before XP and do not use uxtheme.dll. They primarilly just define system metrics and colors (along with icons for things like My Computer, etc and mouse cursors).
.msstyles files are the basis of uxtheme.dll, and allow much broader theming support as seen in WinXP, as well as defining system metrics & colors (but do not define icons & cursors).
The two theme formats are coupled very loosely, they can be used together (primarily to enable defining icons & cursors with a graphical theme) or seperate. When used together, any metrics & colors defined in the msstyles override those defined in the .theme
Alexandre has requested I use the registry keys that windows uses to define theme configuration, in which case under XP those keys are located in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Themes and HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ThemeManager
The configuration seems to be split between those two locations, with a couple options in both. HKCU primarily contains configuration related to XP's msstyles method of theming, HKLM looks to primarilly define theming with .theme files (although there is some slight crossover between the two).
On Tuesday 07 October 2003 10:45 am, Dimitrie O. Paun wrote:
On Tue, 7 Oct 2003, Steven Edwards wrote:
Is there a way we can merge the winelook option in to the themeing support? The work I have been doing to port comdlg32 is kind of stalled because of tweak_winelook being incompleate in this dll. It would be nice if we could plan on moving all of this stuff together post 1.0
Yes, I'd hope we can move the different tweaks to a theme. The tweaking should just just go away: we should have one look, and where people don't like that, they can run whatever theme they want instead.