Michael Stefaniuc mstefani@redhat.com writes:
Well, it should be pretty easy to write a short smatch script to find that occurences. Afair the smatch guys wrote one for the Linux kernel which would need only small adaptations. And coincidently i have this weekend a long flight trip on my schedule ... . And we seem to have some people now doing janitorial work. I figure 2-3 people would maybe jump on it, maybe even new people as the task isn't hard at all. If we get new people it's nice cause they get to see a lot of wine code and get used to the patch acceptance policy ;). Maybe they get motivated to try there luck on other wine tasks too.
Yes, but please let's wait until some of the current janitorial tasks are finished before starting new ones. We don't want to have real changes drowned out by a ton of janitorial changes all over the code base.