On Mar 6, 2013, at 7:56 AM, Ken Thomases wrote:
On Mar 6, 2013, at 8:24 AM, Joerg-Cyril.Hoehle@t-systems.com Joerg-Cyril.Hoehle@t-systems.com wrote:
Bug report: Toying around with built-in notepad, clock, winhlp32, I noticed that notepad and winhlp32 are not resizable, whereas the system preferences "control" is. By comparison, with the x11 driver, notepad's window is resizable even though it has no triangle widget at the bottom left.
Works here™. I can resize notepad and winhlp32 just fine.
The problem is that the ability to resize windows by dragging their borders with the mouse was added in Lion. I'll bet Jörg is running Snow Leopard, where you can only resize windows by dragging the size box in the lower right (for me, anyway) corner. Except that many windows don't even have size boxes, even though you can still resize them by clicking and dragging their lower-right corner.
If a window doesn't have a size box already (usually, a status bar with the SBARS_SIZEGRIP style), we should add a transparent one ourselves on SL, similar to what Xplugin does. Or, we should change the cursor into IDC_SIZENWSE when the pointer hovers over the corner.
Also, the virtual desktop seems gone or not yet implemented. This is a key requirement for enough apps that do not handle today's huge resolutions.
There is no mechanism for one Mac process to draw into the windows of another.
But there is--an indirect one, anyway. You can have everyone else draw into an IOSurface, and then share the IOSurface with Explorer (which I assume is responsible for managing the desktop window). You can even use an IOSurface as a GL texture (and, by extension, render with OpenGL into the IOSurface). This is how Chrome (and probably Safari too, since it uses the same underlying engine) implements sandbox'd rendering: the renderer draws the page into an IOSurface, then the browser draws the IOSurface into the window. And yes, this will work on Snow Leopard.
I'm not sure it's worth it. In my experience, the virtual desktop has more often been used to work around X window manager limitations. The hope is that we have greater control with the Mac driver. If all else fails, the X11 driver is still available.
True. Anyone who'd even bother to set up a virtual desktop would probably be willing to go to the trouble of installing XQuartz anyway.
Another annoyance was that there's no HIDE function or short cut and some dialogues do not provide the orange button (middle one) to iconify the window. As a result, those pesky windows clutter your screen. That alone is enough reason to me a reason not to use that driver. It is not acceptable that one cannot get rid of a set of windows! Example: wine control, then navigate to the root CA certificates.
More items can be added to the menus easily enough. However, I'm loathe to assign the usual keyboard shortcuts. The problem is that the Command key is used to generate Alt keystrokes and it's relatively likely that a Windows program will want to receive Alt-H for its menus.
Why aren't we using Option as Alt? Nearly every Mac keyboard labels it as "Alt" these days. Is typing characters like 'ü' and 'ø' and '∆' really that important? :)