- when will this be fixed ?
fixme:ddraw:DIB_DirectDrawSurface_Blt dwFlags DDBLT_WAIT and/or DDBLT_ASYNC: can't handle right now.
Did you actually read any DirectX doc before complaining ? These flags are completely useless when emulating a blit and have sense only when doing it in hardware.
Ok, i did not and I should have done it before :(
wine: Unhandled exception, starting debugger...
Did you send us a backtrace of the problem ? A trace ?
here it comes: =>0 0x402acdc7 (NTDLL.DLL.memcpy+0x27 in libc.so.6) (ebp=406a29e4) 1 0x40c90844 (DIB_DirectDrawSurface_BltFast+0x51c(iface=0x403c2da8, dstx=0x28, dsty=0x23, src=0x403c3878, rsrc=0x406a2b8c, trans=0x10) [dib.c:870] in ddraw.dll.so) (ebp=406a2b34) 2 0x40c937df (IDirectDrawSurface3Impl_BltFast+0x47(This=0x403c2dac, x=0x28, y=0x23, pSrcSurf=0x403c387c, prcSrc=0x406a2b8c, dwTrans=0x10) [thunks.c:94] in ddraw.dll.so) (ebp=406a2b5c) 3 0x0044ecfe (Panzer3d.exe..text+0x4dcfe in C:\games\pgiiid\Panzer3d.exe) (ebp=406a2b9c) 4 0x0041e30d (Panzer3d.exe..text+0x1d30d in C:\games\pgiiid\Panzer3d.exe) (ebp=406a2bdc) 5 0x0044e86f (Panzer3d.exe..text+0x4d86f in C:\games\pgiiid\Panzer3d.exe) (ebp=406a2c00) 6 0x00421ba2 (Panzer3d.exe..text+0x20ba2 in C:\games\pgiiid\Panzer3d.exe) (ebp=406a2c14) 7 0x004036e8 (Panzer3d.exe..text+0x26e8 in C:\games\pgiiid\Panzer3d.exe) (ebp=406a2c30) 8 0x0041e648 (Panzer3d.exe..text+0x1d648 in C:\games\pgiiid\Panzer3d.exe) (ebp=406a2c4c) 9 0x00404e08 (Panzer3d.exe..text+0x3e08 in C:\games\pgiiid\Panzer3d.exe) (ebp=406a2c68) 10 0x0040c3a8 (Panzer3d.exe..text+0xb3a8 in C:\games\pgiiid\Panzer3d.exe) (ebp=406a2c84) 11 0x00403024 (Panzer3d.exe..text+0x2024 in C:\games\pgiiid\Panzer3d.exe) (ebp=406a2ca4) 12 0x00421218 (Panzer3d.exe..text+0x20218 in C:\games\pgiiid\Panzer3d.exe) (ebp=406a2cd8) 13 0x00421716 (Panzer3d.exe..text+0x20716 in C:\games\pgiiid\Panzer3d.exe) (ebp=406a2d00) 14 0x407b4787 (WINPROC_wrapper+0x17 in user32.dll.so) (ebp=406a2d24) 15 0x407b481d (WINPROC_CallWndProc+0x8d(proc=0x4215b9, hwnd=0x10021, msg=0x202, wParam=0x0, lParam=0x1b0026a) [winproc.c:183] in user32.dll.so) (ebp=406a2d54) 16 0x407ba958 (CallWindowProcA+0x88(func=0x413e06c8, hwnd=0x10021, msg=0x202, wParam=0x0, lParam=0x1b0026a) [winproc.c:2788] in user32.dll.so) (ebp=406a2d7c) 17 0x4079d451 (DispatchMessageA+0x121(msg=0x406a2ddc) [message.c:1079] in user32.dll.so) (ebp=406a2dc0) 18 0x00421fad (Panzer3d.exe..text+0x20fad in C:\games\pgiiid\Panzer3d.exe) (ebp=406a2e08) 19 0x0047db2e (Panzer3d.exe.EntryPoint+0x15e in C:\games\pgiiid\Panzer3d.exe) (ebp=406a2e9c) 20 0x400b4120 (start_process+0x21c [process.c:564] in libntdll.dll.so) (ebp=406a2f38) 21 0x400b829d (call_on_thread_stack+0x1d(func=0x400b3f04) [sysdeps.c:112] in libntdll.dll.so) (ebp=406a2ff4) 22 0x400b8430 (SYSDEPS_CallOnStack+0x14 in libntdll.dll.so) (ebp=00000000)
0x402acdc7 (NTDLL.DLL.memcpy+0x27 in libc.so.6): repe movsl (%esi),%es:(%edi)
- what can i do to speed up development?
Start coding ?
I did about 4 month ago and asked questions about how to go on patching wine to get wizardry 8 running (i got it running on my system, but with wine patched this way nothing else runs with it).