Henri Verbeet wrote:
2009/9/22 Vitaliy Margolen wine-devel@kievinfo.com:
It does dereference the pointer. Here is your simple test. Compile it and run it. See what happens.
#include <stdio.h>
typedef struct _s_test { void *pointer; } s_test;
int main() { s_test *s = NULL; long diff = (const char*)s->pointer - (const char*)s; printf("diff=%ld\n", diff);
return 0; }
That's not really what the code does. Try changing "void *pointer" to "char pointer[32]".
Right, haven't checked the definition of the DEVMODEW. Indeed it does work for an array, since it is part of the structure. So "s->pointer" will be (char *)s + FIELD_OFFSET(s,pointer).
Still it's a bad construct to use, for exactly the reason we are having this discussion.