King InuYasha wrote:
On Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 2:55 PM, Joel Holdsworth <> wrote: > shortcut.ico - the icon is oriented improperly. It needs to be > bottom-left and oriented so the arrow points towards the center.
This is the orientation from Gnome. If you object this can be changed easily. Do it the way Windows does it, right?
Yes, Wine replicates Windows' effects, so it should look like Windows icon styles.
I don't know if we can say this. Only when our Wine-supplied icons are appearing near application-supplied icons do we gain some consistency by mimicing Windows style, but that consistency is confined to that particular app. Most icons the user sees are instead going to be compared with the rest of the desktop and its applications, and adopting a Tango style rather than a Windows style is the only way to get that overall consistency.
If we're not careful, Wine apps may continue to stick out rather than be just another part of the desktop.
Thanks, Scott Ritchie