Just to explain things better, I found great sample of calling Obj-C API within pure C program: http://www.smipple.net/snippet/moriyoshi/Using%20Objective-C%20ABI%20from%20... .
This is basic application that just displays a single window, and YES it works! BUT it is 400 lines of code, it is totally obscure. Having it natively in Obj-C would be ~50 lines of small clean code. So this is what a call a "nightmare", or maybe "happy coding".
Or maybe job security. However, we have a requirement that any code submitted to the Wine project be either c or C++. ObjC cannot be included, however. I would like to see it 'wrapped' so that it could not be compiled and then the world would be upright (and this is how several other projects do this as well.)
James McKenzie