Andrey Turkin wrote:
On Monday 23 August 2010 13:16:07 Michael Stefaniuc wrote:
IMHO gcc is *wrong* in emitting a warning there. sizeof(PCMWAVEFORMAT) is a compile time constant and gcc can see that sizeof(PCMWAVEFORMAT) falls well inside the number range expressible by a LONG. Logically there is no difference between formatsize <= sizeof(PCMWAVEFORMAT) and formatsize <= 16 One gives a bogus warning and the other doesn't.
C99 std (para states following about sizeof operator: "...its type (an unsigned integer type) is size_t, deļ¬ned in <stddef.h> (and other headers)."
sizeof result is a compile-time constant but, unlike numeric constants, its type must always be size_t so gcc does the correct thing here.
That's actually not the problem but the "value preservation rule" especially the "unsigned preservation rule". As sizeof(LONG) <= sizeof(size_t) the formatsize will be promoted to an unsigned. Iff formatsize is negative it will produce a big unsigned integer. So I'll retract my critique of gcc (in this case as the compiler cannot know what values formatsize will hold) and blame the C standard instead.
bye michael