David Hedberg pisze:
I've also looked a bit at implementing support for IFileDialog, and the Explorer, but I have yet to dig too deep into either of them. Are there currently any known applications out there that uses IFileDialog explicitly? I've looked a bit, probably not enough, but I haven't been able to find anything except example code. Also, are there any applications that fail to run because explorer is missing functionality, or would the end-result of that suggested project function mainly as an end-user utility?
In older version of Gnome, Gnome was not using the freedesktop.org standard trash directory, what caused files deleted under Wine not to show up in Gnome Trash. As we have in Wine a Trash virtual folder, I was thinking about fixing it by implementing a IShellBrowser (single explorer window) to show it to the users. However, as this is fixed in newer Gnomes, this is probably not that useful anymore. Still, if anyone is interested, I attach the skeleton code I have written (written under Windows XP x64, to be ported to Wine once finished possibly fixing some bugs) that does some logging and may be useful as a starting point. Apart from the 'shellbrowser' folder, I also put the 'shellfolder' one that I've used when implementing the recycle bin folder that may be useful if one needs logs from "the other side" (i.e. from a custom folder inside the true Explorer).
Thanks, David