Hi all,
I've just uploaded a new Wine Gecko beta package. It's a bit earlier than we usually updated the package, but it's part of the plan. The last release was the most successful ever - we've successfully avoided regressions and fixed existing bugs. The fact that we had long (over month) beta period and that the release was made based on stable Firefox release helped a lot IMO. We can improve stability of Gecko package by releasing more often, meaning less changes are included in each single release. We can do this thanks to Mozilla rapid release cycles, that gives us a chance to release Wine Gecko based on the very recent code base, stabilized by Mozilla every six weeks. Six weeks releases are, however, more than we can handle and more than we need, so my current plan is to release every two Firerox version (that is every 12 weeks), with no pressure.
Back to current release, it's mostly an update of code base to keep on track with Gecko changes. Builds are available, as usually, on sourceforge [1]. To test it, you also need the attached patch to Wine. Any help with testing is appreciated. Everything that uses MSHTML in any way is worth testing.
Informations for packages interested in building the package themselves: My builds are done with GCC 4.5.3, but any GCC newer than 4.5.1 should be good. There was a fix to Mozilla code needed for GCC 4.6.* builds that I've included in the source, so GCC 4.6 32-bit builds should be fine. If you want to use it for 64-bit builds, please test it carefully as I wasn't able to test them (linking GCC 4.6 builds consumes awfully lot of memory, so it failed for me).
Cheers, Jacek
[1] http://sourceforge.net/projects/wine/files/Wine%20Gecko/1.3-beta1/