--- Evgeny F johnlen@yandex.ru wrote:
Damjan Jovanovic dj015@yahoo.com wrote:
What "microdriver" are you talking about? Are you working on STI? For STI, there is a convention for Windows 2000 and onwards, something like \.\USBSCAN... (check the STI documentation on
If it's STI, I have some code; do you want it?
Yes, it is scanner microdriver.
Yes, boundaries absolutely must be preserved,
USB bulk reads and writes occur in packets, not as streams. How are you going to extract packets from
stream at the other end?
There are some new type of socket, present since 2.6.4 kernel described in unix(7) manual page - SOC_SEQPACKET, which is both connection-oriented and preserves message bounderies. Will it work for that purpose
No. Here's why:
Your microdriver has a socket, and wine has a socket connected to that socket. When wine writes, your microdriver gets packets, and your microdriver can extract the boundaries and use the packets. But what happens when wine wants to read from the socket? How do you know to read from the scanner and send wine the packet, and what size that packet should be? You don't. Reading a USB pipe is a synchronous pull protocol and sockets use an asynchronous push protocol. That is why sockets can't be used.
I've given this some thought, and wine needs to be changed. Drastically. Look at the hacks in ntdll/cdrom.c, kernel/volume.c and many others - the current handle system is coming apart at the seams. My advice is to add handle "types" eg. a file handle, cdrom handle, device handle, ..., with each handle being a pointer to something like:
struct Handle { DWORD (*ReadFile)(VOID *buffer, DWORD size); DWORD (*WriteFile)(VOID *buffer, DWORD size); DWORD (*DeviceIoControl)(VOID *buffer, DWORD size); ... };
and have the ReadFile(), WriteFile() and DeviceIoControl() simply call the function pointers in the handle. That way it would be trivial to add a new device driver type of thing into wine: write new functions, and change CreateFile() to initialize handles for that device type with the right combination of function pointers.
What do you think?
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