<quote who="Scott Ritchie">
- Create a new Menu entry in the .menu file
at /usr/share/gnome-app-install/applications.menu
/etc/xdg/menus/applications.menu, rather.
This one will be named "Windows Applications" and will need to point to two locations for .desktop files: system-wide ones, and user-specific ones. Instructions for how to do this are here: http://standards.freedesktop.org/menu-spec/latest/index.html
"Windows Applications" is really too long -> it's already in the apps menu, so it may as well just be "Windows".
- Create some Wine .desktop files that can go in /usr/share/applications
that will be readable by this menu entry.
These should only be installed by the Wine package. See the "Debian" menu as configured in Ubuntu, and the menu-xdg package for an example of how to do parts (1) and (2).
3.) The menu specification can also point to a new location in the local user's .wine directory, probably something like ~/.wine/menu.
The standard location is ~/.local/share/applications/ -> Wine should use that.
What will then tell Gnome to update the applications menu (since new .desktop files will have been created) I'm not sure yet.
The panel monitors that directory for changes, and updates itself.
The PowerPC version of the packages, however, is another issue. Obviously, we can't make Wine work with i386-compiled apps on PPC,
(There's an awesome opportunity for qemu integration there...)
- Jeff