On 9/15/21 16:56, Florian Eder wrote:
+static void print_header(void) +{
- UINT i;
- output_message(format_string(STRING_HEADER));
- if (!options.source) output_message(format_string(STRING_SOURCE), L"-");
- else output_message(format_string(STRING_SOURCE), strip_path_prefix(options.source));
- if (!options.destination) output_message(format_string(STRING_DESTINATION), L"-");
- else output_message(format_string(STRING_DESTINATION), strip_path_prefix(options.destination));
- output_message(format_string(STRING_FILES), options.files->array[0]);
- for (i = 1; i < options.files->size; i++)
output_message(L" %1\n", options.files->array[i]);
Sorry if I was unclear. What I was trying to propose was to print the first file on the line *after* the "Files:" header, rather than on the same line. Then you can align all the paths the same arbitrary amount.