I've spoken with the wine-d3d people and noone is currently doing anything on directx9 support. Originally Raphael was trying to merge things into a new library, wined3d, using an interface which ddraw could also use. This has not happened, and as we stand there is no progress being made.
Now, I know nothing about d3d9 support - I have started to see what would be the easiest way to implement this, and have come up with a couple of options, and am after some advice....
1. (My preference) d3d8 and d3d9 are very similar in lots of respects. I would like to move all the GL code into the wined3d library, effectively factorizing d3d8 and d3d9. However, this would mean extra function call overhead for dx8 and I really dont know how common they will be. Obviously d3d8 will change during such a transition
2. I could implement d3d9 from scratch. This would have the advantage of being a standalone library and wont affect d3d8, but a disadvantage of having to fix anything twice, and probably they will get out of sync really quickly. Also, d3d8 still has parts missing, and I'd prefer a single implementation if possible. If we did this, wined3d could be deleted and a huge code duplication would be required
(or 3.... Do nothing, and see if anyone else takes up the gauntlet.)
Now, I am not a 3d graphics programmer - I learnt d3d8 as I implemented it (for wine) out of interest to see how things were done. I am happy to try to do the same for d3d9, and would prefer approach (1). I have a few concerns though - Mostly I havent done enough research to know if its possible, and I may end up having a shared library with 2 implementations anyway... I havent found any major stumbling block yet, but I havent researched it far enough either.
My other concern is if I start doing it and have to give up due to work or other pressures, I could leave a half migrated setup. I assume its relavitevly easy with cvs to back out changes if this occurs, and I hope it wont, but it is a concern.
I'd appreciate thoughts before I start (especially Lionels, AJ's etc) - I'm only just getting back into wine programming again hence my interest.