On Wed, 15 Oct 2003, Mike Hearn wrote:
I might as well point out (as I didn't find this intuitive when I was learning) that you do that like this:
- Open up a new terminal window
- Run winedbg
- "walk process"
- Locate the win32 process id of the program that has deadlocked
- "attach X" where X is the pid
- "bt 0x9" gives you a backtrace of thread 9
- "bt 0x15" gives you a backtrace of thread 15 etc....
ok did that (and attached at bottom of mail) and it helped a lot. But i still don't know, where the specific error lies: thread 0x3c called IDirectDraw4Impl_CreateSurface which lead over X11DRV_DeleteDC to the tsx11_lock thread 0x2s called VIRTUAL_HandleFault which lad over GDI_GetObjPtr to the _EnterSysLevel lock thing But i don't see the typical deadlock situation there (e.g. semaphore s,t Thread1 : lock(s) lock(t) Thread2 : lock(t) lock(s) )
Anyhow, this is perhaps the interesting part of thread 0x2f:
12 0x401e43ad (VIRTUAL_HandleFault+0xcd(addr=0x4eef0000) [virtual.c:829] in ntdll.dll.so) (ebp=406909b4) 13 0x401dda53 (.L63+0xb [signal_i386.c] in ntdll.dll.so) (ebp=40690a2c) 14 0x401ddf61 (segv_handler+0x41(__signal=0xb, __context=0x14d7) [signal_i386.c:1058] in ntdll.dll.so) (ebp=40690d1c) 15 0x400645f8 (NTDLL.DLL.toupper+0x6298 in libc.so.6) (ebp=407a1dfc)
is it possible, that the thread produced a segfault while holding tsx11 lock, then the fault handler galled a GDI function?
err:ntdll:RtlpWaitForCriticalSection section 0x40f257a0 "x11drv_main.c: X11DRV_C ritSection" wait timed out in thread 003c, blocked by 002f, retrying (60 sec) err:ntdll:RtlpWaitForCriticalSection section 0x40979e80 "../../objects/gdiobj.c: GDI_level" wait timed out in thread 002f, blocked by 003c, retrying (60 sec)
Wine-dbg>walk thread process tid prio 0000002e (D) C:\Spiele\pg3\PG3.exe 0000003c 1 00000038 0 00000037 15 00000034 0 <== 00000032 2 00000031 0 00000030 0 0000002f 0
Wine-dbg>bt 0x2f Backtrace: =>0 0x4010595b (NTDLL.DLL.memcpy+0x5288b in libc.so.6) (ebp=4069038c) 1 0x401dff72 (NTDLL_wait_for_multiple_objects+0x122(count=0x0, handles=0x0, flags=0x8, timeout=0x40690448) [sync.c:584] in ntdll.dll.so) (ebp=40690430) 2 0x401de23c (usr1_handler+0x4c(__signal=0xa, __context=0x14d7) [signal_i386.c:1162] in ntdll.dll.so) (ebp=40690454) 3 0x400645f8 (NTDLL.DLL.toupper+0x6298 in libc.so.6) (ebp=40690764) 4 0x401dff72 (NTDLL_wait_for_multiple_objects+0x122(count=0x1, handles=0x40690858, flags=0xc, timeout=0x40690884) [sync.c:584] in ntdll.dll.so) (ebp=40690808) 5 0x401dffe6 (NTDLL.DLL.NtWaitForMultipleObjects+0x66 in ntdll.dll.so) (ebp=40690830) 6 0x401e003c (NtWaitForSingleObject+0x3c(handle=0x10c, alertable=0x0, timeout=0x40690884) [sync.c:611] in ntdll.dll.so) (ebp=40690850) 7 0x401c0f02 (RtlpWaitForCriticalSection+0x112(crit=0x40979e80) [critsection.c:193] in ntdll.dll.so) (ebp=406908ec) 8 0x401c119f (RtlEnterCriticalSection+0x3f(crit=0x40979e80) [critsection.c:255] in ntdll.dll.so) (ebp=40690900) 9 0x404e645c (_EnterSysLevel+0x6c(lock=0x40979e80) [syslevel.c:112] in kernel32.dll.so) (ebp=40690934) 10 0x4094c76b (GDI_GetObjPtr+0x2b(handle=0x2c74, magic=0x4f4b) [gdiobj.c:809] in gdi32.dll.so) (ebp=40690968) 11 0x40edfb3e (X11DRV_DIB_FaultHandler+0x2e(res=0x2c74, addr=0x4eef0000) [dib.c:5284] in x11drv.dll.so) (ebp=40690988) 12 0x401e43ad (VIRTUAL_HandleFault+0xcd(addr=0x4eef0000) [virtual.c:829] in ntdll.dll.so) (ebp=406909b4) 13 0x401dda53 (.L63+0xb [signal_i386.c] in ntdll.dll.so) (ebp=40690a2c) 14 0x401ddf61 (segv_handler+0x41(__signal=0xb, __context=0x14d7) [signal_i386.c:1058] in ntdll.dll.so) (ebp=40690d1c) 15 0x400645f8 (NTDLL.DLL.toupper+0x6298 in libc.so.6) (ebp=407a1dfc) 16 0x40f5bf74 (_end+0x35648 in libGL.so.1) (ebp=00000011)
Wine-dbg>bt 0x3c Backtrace: =>0 0x40064684 (NTDLL.DLL.toupper+0x6324 in libc.so.6) (ebp=4e8f07d4) 1 0x401dc720 (wine_server_call+0x40(req_ptr=0x4e8f0888) [server.c:226] in ntdll.dll.so) (ebp=4e8f0874) 2 0x404abd19 (CONSOLE_GetNumHistoryEntries+0x59 [console.c:65] in kernel32.dll.so) (ebp=4e8f0904) 3 0x404aa06c (CONSOLE_HandleCtrlC+0x1c(sig=0x2) [console.c:1394] in kernel32.dll.so) (ebp=4e8f09e0) 4 0x401de11d (int_handler+0x9d(__signal=0x2, __context=0x14d7) [signal_i386.c:427] in ntdll.dll.so) (ebp=4e8f0d1c) 5 0x400645f8 (NTDLL.DLL.toupper+0x6298 in libc.so.6) (ebp=4ea11dc0) 6 0x401dff72 (NTDLL_wait_for_multiple_objects+0x122(count=0x1, handles=0x4ea11eb4, flags=0xc, timeout=0x4ea11ee0) [sync.c:584] in ntdll.dll.so) (ebp=4ea11e64) 7 0x401dffe6 (NTDLL.DLL.NtWaitForMultipleObjects+0x66 in ntdll.dll.so) (ebp=4ea11e8c) 8 0x401e003c (NtWaitForSingleObject+0x3c(handle=0x108, alertable=0x0, timeout=0x4ea11ee0) [sync.c:611] in ntdll.dll.so) (ebp=4ea11eac) 9 0x401c0f02 (RtlpWaitForCriticalSection+0x112(crit=0x40f257a0) [critsection.c:193] in ntdll.dll.so) (ebp=4ea11f48) 10 0x401c119f (RtlEnterCriticalSection+0x3f(crit=0x40f257a0) [critsection.c:255] in ntdll.dll.so) (ebp=4ea11f5c) 11 0x40f08942 (wine_tsx11_lock+0x22 [x11drv_main.c:159] in x11drv.dll.so) (ebp=4ea11f6c) 12 0x40ee4fd9 (X11DRV_DeleteDC+0x29(physDev=0x4043c290) [init.c:141] in x11drv.dll.so) (ebp=4ea11f88) 13 0x4093e236 (DeleteDC+0x186(hdc=0x2d20) [dc.c:793] in gdi32.dll.so) (ebp=4ea11fbc) 14 0x40b0d039 (create_dib+0x1a9(This=0x40430f90) [dib.c:161] in ddraw.dll.so) (ebp=4ea11ff0) 15 0x40b0d40d (DIB_DirectDrawSurface_Construct+0xdd(This=0x40430f90, pDD=0x40387d18, pDDSD=0x4ea12118) [dib.c:269] in ddraw.dll.so) (ebp=4ea12024) 16 0x40b0d5e8 (DIB_DirectDrawSurface_Create+0x78(pDD=0x40387d18, pDDSD=0x4ea12118, ppSurf=0x4ea12310, pUnkOuter=0x0) [dib.c:300] in ddraw.dll.so) (ebp=4ea12048) 17 0x40b0780a (Main_create_texture+0x3a(This=0x40387d18, pDDSD=0x4ea12118, ppSurf=0x4ea12310, pOuter=0x0, dwMipMapLevel=0x0) [main.c:342] in ddraw.dll.so) (ebp=4ea12064) 18 0x40b07ad6 (create_texture+0x1e6(This=0x40387d18, pDDSD=0x4ea12218, ppSurf=0x4ea12310, pUnkOuter=0x0) [main.c:406] in ddraw.dll.so) (ebp=4ea121a4) 19 0x40b0837e (Main_DirectDraw_CreateSurface+0x19e(iface=0x40387d18, pDDSD=0x4ea12218, ppSurf=0x4ea12310, pUnkOuter=0x0) [main.c:632] in ddraw.dll.so) (ebp=4ea121d8) 20 0x40b0a6d0 (IDirectDraw4Impl_CreateSurface+0x40(This=0x40387d1c, pSDesc=0x4ea12218, ppSurface=0x4ea12310, pUnkOuter=0x0) [thunks.c:262] in ddraw.dll.so) (ebp=4ea121f4) 21 0x100e68bf (PG3RENDR.DLL.EntryPoint+0x10a8f in PG3RENDR.DLL) (ebp=4a6d2470) 22 0x00000004 (ebp=1011c460) 23 0x100eab40 (PG3RENDR.DLL.EntryPoint+0x14d10 in PG3RENDR.DLL) (ebp=100e97e0) 24 0x9090c310 (_end+0x4377c3d0) (ebp=14e528b8) *** Invalid address 0x14e528b8 (PG3RENDR.DLL..reloc+0x4d028b8)