What is the current state of affairs regarding DirectX (8) support in wine. With Transgaming producing a version which appears to work well from what I read on the Internet, what is happening about getting support for it in the wine tree - Is the intention to wait and see what Transgaming do?
The reason I ask - Not to start a political debate with pros and cons of Transgaming, but more because as a learning exercise with regard to 3d graphics, I started fiddling with Direct X 8 support and have some sample code which runs some simple Direct3D samples and most of a sequence of tutorials. (9 out of 11 work reasonably well).
I dont have a problem with the code remaining personal to me and probably archived, as I have learnt a lot by doing it (which was my original aim), but if it is agreed that adding directx 8 support completely different to the Transgaming code is ok, then I may try to submit some patches.
Note the current code is nowhere near ideal, so dont get your hopes up. Specifically, it exports X11DRV_get_client_window from X11DRV as a means of getting the X window from the HWND, which is not clean. It does not use a HAL (which is where the current ddraw code was starting to head), it calls all the opengl calls inline. I have only tested on one machine with one level of mesa (tough! thats all I have). It also has all the c parts in the d3d8 directory, completely seperate (and in some cases duplicating code from the ddraw code), which may or may not be desired. I also dont have a clue about the configure tests and makefile.in, so I have just a basic structure which works enough for me. I'm also relatively certain I havent necessarily used the highest performing code everywhere, I have done the best I could with my limited knowledge.
The way I look at it would be a starting point for others to work from. I could make a drop of the code on a website if anyone wants to see how bad it is first :-)
Anyway, thoughts please? Jason