Hi, I am unable to build the winemine application program that in the programs directory or the 20031212 wine release. As described in the manuals I am using winemaker . However on running make winebuilder report an syntax error in En.rc at line : LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US Could you please tell me if winemaker or winebuilder is broken ? I am using debian (unstable) , with kernel 2.4.18 and wine-20031212.
What I was really trying to do is port winpp (a numerical software) from http://www.math.pitt.edu/~bard/bardware/winppsrc.tgz. However I had a frustrating weekend trying to do this with wine maker. This application has 4 parts 3 libraries (pure C code, compiles out of box on linux) and a gui (windows based, winemaker fails to port this). I even tried to do this by editing the makefile manually. Failing at this I tried compiling a winemine and then a "hello world". None of which worked. I am perplexed.
Also the winelib manual says that a spec file can be as simple as "init WinMain rcsc resource.res" . However winebuilder reports an error "expected ordinal" which is supposed to be optional ??
I would also be greatfull if you could give me a pointer on how to compile a simple "Hello World" message box application , say like (preferable by using a manually written makefile , without using winemaker)
#include <windows.h> int WINAPI WinMain (HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, PSTR szCmdLine, int iCmdShow) { MessageBox (NULL, TEXT ("Hello, World"), TEXT ("Hello"), 0) ;
return 0 ; }
I tried to compile this with winemaker . The compilation reported no errors but the application does not run, and fails with exit status 1.
Sincerely B Thomas