On November 3, 2002 12:26 pm, Andreas Mohr wrote:
IMHO the CVS stuff should *only* be mentioned in the Wine User Guide (and the Developers Guide would explain the more advanced usage patterns). Then it'd be pretty easy to simply add a small "For CVS download of Wine source, see <Wine Users Guide link>".
Why in Wine User Guide? Ideally, users should not have to deal with CVS at all. The *only* reason this is so it's that Wine is very immature, and changes quickly. But once we reach a stable release, this should hopefully change a little. When I open the user guide, I want it to small, and to the point -- it has to tell me the absolute minimum that I need to know to run the thing. Note: ideally, it should be so easy, and intuitive to run Wine, that we should not need a Wine User Guide!
Hmm, could someone yell "me!" when it comes to finding someone to mail a "this is it so far" status report to wine-devel ? I think it'd be good to have a mail describing the current agreement.
It will get done, give people a day, or two to comment on it. I'll do it if need be, don't worry. But the point is well taken: summarizing the results of such threads is very imporantant, as otherwise we loose a lot of the good stuff hidden in the middle of long emails. This is the very reason I sent in my proposal for the menu, as it was a kind of summarization of the discussions we had around here.