On 12/28/18 6:43 PM, Jactry Zeng wrote:
static HRESULT WINAPI mfattributes_GetUINT32(IMFAttributes *iface, REFGUID key, UINT32 *value) { mfattributes *This = impl_from_IMFAttributes(iface);
- PROPVARIANT attrval;
- HRESULT hres;
- FIXME("%p, %s, %p\n", This, debugstr_guid(key), value);
- TRACE("(%p, %s, %p)\n", This, debugstr_guid(key), value);
- return E_NOTIMPL;
- PropVariantInit(&attrval);
- attrval.vt = MF_ATTRIBUTE_UINT32;
- hres = mfattributes_getitem(This, key, &attrval, TRUE);
- if(SUCCEEDED(hres))
hres = PropVariantToUInt32(&attrval, value);
- return hres; }
I think it's better to use VT_* naming.
Last argument of getitem helper is supposed to trigger type validation, so successful path implies that types are matching and you probably don't need additional coercion call.