Er, if the memcpy worked (or almost worked) and failed due to overlap problems, then memmove will do the trick. Did it ever work at all before? Either this code never worked, or you're either seeing a problem that doesn't exist/misunderstanding things.
Cheers, Kuba
Um, sorry, I didn't understand question.
I try to explain why memcpy worked before.
It did not worked. As far as I noticed, this bug does not affect small files (<=0x1000) but if file was large enough (>0x1000 byte) - it will appear. In my case it was multi-colour metafile (jwpce.hlp, http://www.physics.ucla.edu/~grosenth/jwpce.html - lots of metafiles). Small pictures are OK, but large are jammed.
What is interesting, the bug affected bitmap part of metafile, so no errors while PlayMetaFile, but the result bitmap was jammed a little.