Dear All,
I would like to understand how each Windows Messages like WM_COMMAND are processed and handled by wine ? If i call a function SendMessage and pass one window handle to it with the appropriate message (i.e WM_GETTEXT ) how it will be processed ? Is it going through the wine-server ?
I'm basically interested in learning about window messages processing and how each window/dialog/controls creation/updation/manipulation are handled in wine ? Is this such that all window messages are going through wine-server ?
If i wanted to trace/hook the window message, is there any --debugmsg params available ?
Is there any documentation (developer) available for wine-server ?. I would like to understand the architecture/functionality of the wine-server. It would be better if there is a document which explains the incoming/outgoing packets (Requests/Responses) between client and then wine-server ? when i looked at the wine-devel documentation on wine-server, it says that 'wineserver is the confusing concept in wine ' ? Is it so ...?
If i didn't framed my questions properly, please forgive me as i'm very novice is wine and hopefully show some progress when i feel comfortable with my wine study...!
Thanks and Best Regards, S. Sukumar