On 7/6/05, wino@piments.com wino@piments.com wrote:
Yes but anyone looking a wine knows about Linux and knows about the ammount crap to expect for IE be it on wine or windows
I find it hard to imagine that anyone coming to wine needs to be made aware of FF or any other non-IE browser.
I'm glad you think all windows users are aware of all the different options out there.
The Open-standards link suggested would be a good idea for a link page but I agree with Marcus that it is not needed on the front page.
Yea that's the real answer here.. Lets bury it so people have to run across it by accident to find it..
Why not some worthy appeal buttons as well , Tsunami victims are less important than FireFox?
This line is off subject
m2c ;)
You can send your pocket change to the WPF :-)