Mike McCormack wrote:
Mike Hearn wrote:
You're right, but I hope you are not writing a rendering engine from scratch! That would be madness. We really need to adapt Gecko to improve its MSHTML compatibility here.
I don't touch the engine code! I use Gecko's embedding API. The HTML rendering will never be compatible at all, but that's not important in most cases. What we need is a compatible API, and that can be done using Gecko as HTML engine, everything else we have to implement ourself (eg. my current implementation uses Gecko to download document - that also needs to be changed).
Actually, I'd be interested to see how much of Gecko we'd need to import/port so that Wine could render HTML. It seems pretty obvious to me from my experiments with the Mozilla Active X control that nobody is using it as it is.
Soon you'll see - I promise:) If you mean how much of code do we need to port to Wine tree, the answer is that no code excepting creating our headers. Everything else is in a shared library that can be loaded at runtime. My current implementation imports only 6 functions (and 3 of theme are to manipulate strings!). Everything else can be done using interfaces.