On Fri, May 03, 2002 at 02:15:25PM -0500, Jeremy Newman wrote:
I also saw Andriy's comments about removing discussions. I oppose this strongly. But, we can put in an option to hide them for those that do not wish to read them. For us that like the comments, I think the comments needs a sort toggle. I like to see the comments sorted by newest first. Right now, oldest messages are at the top of the list.
Yep, same here, I also oppose to this strongly. The comments are the stuff that *really* matters. There are a LOT of useful hints in there that would *never* get written in the AppDB if it weren't for the fact that you can simply babble something in a comment instead of telling someone to maybe add this info for you in 3 weeks or so. Now if only you could actually combine the content of comments back into the main entry and then *delete* those now useless comments, that'd be the only thing missing here in order to be able to create a really good HOWTO for an app. That would be the job of a maintainer for a specific app, of course.