I've been looking at bug 4437, where a game demo works perfectly with the native MSVCRT.DLL but dies on startup with the builtin due to a division by zero.
The builtin doesn't have any fixmes, warnings or errors. Comparing builtin +relay and native +snoop traces shows the divide by zero doesn't happen with the native, everything else looks the same. A +msvcrt log is 200000 lines long but there is nothing obviously wrong either, a +all,+relay log shows nothing useful before the crash - the last function called before the crash is a simple printf without any %'s, which produces the same results on native and builtin. Disassembling around the crash shows a long chain of calculations that dies on the fated idivl. So it looks like a nasty delayed-effect bug.
I'd welcome any new ideas, and I also have a few questions. Does +relay catch all function calls? Because some functions like sscanf only appear in +snoop, not in +relay. And is there a way for a builtin DLL to LoadLibrary() the native DLL of the same name and call functions in it? It would be very useful in narrowing down the bug.
Thank you Damjan