This code could use more tests, especially for REG_SZ_MULTI and REG_BINARY.
Am 2014-10-09 10:55, schrieb Jonathan Vollebregt:
+static WCHAR *data_get_wchar(const BYTE *data, const DWORD size, const DWORD type)
This function is not used until the next patch. From a design point of view it unfortunate that you allocate a new string for the REG_SZ and REG_SZ_MULTI case and essentially just do a memcpy and free the old string. As long as you just need this function to print the values it would be better to add a function that prints directly.
Keep reg export in mind though. It may need the function like this, or maybe a printing function that is passed a file descriptor.
lstrcpyW(output+i, &input[i]);
i += strlenW(&input[i]) + 1;
if (input[i] != 0)
output[i - 1] = ',';
} while (input[i]);
If I understand this correctly this replaces 0 WCHARs with ',' . There should be nicer ways to do this.
+static BYTE *wchar_get_data(const WCHAR *input, const DWORD type,
const WCHAR seperator, DWORD *size_out)
case REG_SZ:
i = (strlenW(input) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR);
output = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, i);
lstrcpyW((WCHAR *) output, input);
*size_out = i;
return output;
This also has unfortunate copying behavior. Maybe there is a nicer way to solve this.
for (i = 0, p = 0; i <= strlenW(input); i++, p++)
if (input[i] == seperator)
Please watch the spelling of separator. This confused me a bit in my code search :-) .
temp[p] = 0;
else if (seperator == 0 && input[i] == '\\' && input[i + 1] == '0')
How does a 0 separator work? The command line interpreter would fail to parse such a string. msdn claims that the default separator is '\0', but maybe they mean a backslash ('\') like your code uses. If the default separator is a backslash it would be nicer to handle this default in the code that parses the command line.
temp[p] = 0;
I don't understand what's special about a 0 or \ separator as far as this loop is concerned.
if (p % 2)
if (p & 1) is nicer to check for odd / even (i.e., the lowest bit). The compiler should be able to to this optimization as well.
p /= 2;
p >>= 1 . Or you could consider incrementing i by 2 in the for loop below.
for (i = 0; i < p; i++)
temp[i] = (temp[i * 2] << 4) | temp[i * 2 + 1];