Over the last few days I've talked with Eric Pouech and Zack Brown about taking over the KC Wine and Wine Weekly News updates. It looks like I've got the first issue ready to go.
Anyway, here's just some of my thoughts on it, and I'd welcome any and all feedback:
- Right now my ISP at home is really messed up. At least in the short term I'll be doing a lot of this at work. Unfortunately that means I'll be mostly using Hypermail archives and some really editing methods. I won't be subscribed to the list, but I'll gladly receive email at the address below.
- Unfortunately that also means I don't have CVS access right now. At some point I'd like to get WWN going again, but it might be several weeks.
- Also, I always like the CVS commit summary, who used to write that? I'd like to incorporate that into the KC Wine page eventually.
- My technical skills are not nearly as good as Eric's. So some of my summaries might be a little off. Hopefully I'll get better over time.
- IMHO, these updates are a great PR tool for the project. Screenshots, product reviews, and news stories about Wine are very helpful. I'd encourage all of you to send me any news like this. I'll definitely include it.
- Along those same lines, in the future I'll probably setup a screenshots page or something like that.
------------ Brian Vincent Copper Mountain Telecom brianv@ski-copper.com