Why do you keep $(SRCDIR) after pwd? man bash and man pwd both say nothing about giving pwd a path...
you're right, theres no need for it, it just gets swallowed by the backticks so i didn't notice.
What's really needed is either use our own db2html (but that was struck down already in the past), or test in configure the behaviour of the system's db2html and act accordingly.
All we need is the full path in the argument to -d, rather than the relative path we get at the moment; I believe this will work with all versions of db2html.
Also, ideally there'd be only one standard for db2htmls...
Yup, sadly, its too late for that. I think this is a bug in earlier db2htmls where it 'forgets' that it has decended into a directory to make the html and should adjust any relative dir paths accordingly. Later versions (correctly) fix the bug, so its more of a backwards compatability issue than having to support a bunch of truly incompatable versions, AFAICS.
Cheers, Jon
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