2009/3/8 IneedAname wineappdb@googlemail.com:
On Sat, 7 Mar 2009 20:10:13 +0000 David Gerard dgerard@gmail.com wrote:
Yep. That's why a wiki is nice. If you open it up to everyone to contribute, you'll get bad stuff but you'll get good stuff you just wouldn't get otherwise. It's a great format to capture that.
We would use the same system for edit rights that we use now. Make appDB account then ask to be a maintainer then you can edit the wiki page for that app.
Sorry, that sounds like too much effort for too little benefit to me.
The wiki is only for application notes. Anyone can read the wiki history.
Notes, Warnings and HOWTOs?
Pro: The only thing the wiki will do thats new is we will have a history on the maintainers notes.
Con: Wiki is big, you're getting it to do a tiny task. It doesn't need to be a wiki, as I mentioned before.
Con: It is possible to get the style of history you are talking about without resorting to a wiki, and it would be easier to implement without a wiki.
Con: It would be very hard to set up.
Con: What you said :)