if (vt == VT_CLSID)
id->u.puuid = CoTaskMemAlloc(sizeof(GUID));
if (!id->u.puuid) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
hr = UuidFromStringW(next_token.u.bstrVal, id->u.puuid);
hr = PropVariantChangeType(id, &next_token, 0, vt);
if (hr != S_OK)
return hr;
id->vt = vt;
Assigning the vt at the end of this is a bit strange. I don't know any situation here where PropVariantChangeType will succeed without giving you the requested vt, and if it did, changing it would be unsafe.
I can see you need it in the VT_CLSID case, but then it would make more sense to set it there. In fact, this version will leak memory if UuidFromStringW fails.
+ if (!elem.len) break;
When can this happen?
+ new_value.vt = VT_UNKNOWN; + hr = MetadataQueryReader_CreateInstance(This->block, root, (IWICMetadataQueryReader **)&new_value.u.punkVal);
I think you need to clear new_value first here?