On Wed, 17 Mar 2004 13:00:20 +0100, you wrote:
Synplify starts, but brings up "Introduction" with a message "Sorry, no Synplify license is available".
Yes I see that.
The start wrapper calculates some magic string from the time. Then TZ is set to GMT0 and another process is started with this magic string as parameter.
I wonder if the TZ is not causing the problem. In the time zone calculations we use calls like localtime() that do look at the TZ variable. If the Win API time functions like GetTimeZoneInformation and the *ToLocalTime* functions do not look at TZ then there is a real problem. Msdn doesn't mention it (except for the Unix like functions in the compiler run-time lib's). Did you happen to look at that?
If you change the TimeGetBias() function as mentioned, synplify starts with the grace license.
I think it helps because with your change, bias is always zero. TZ does not influence anything anymore.