Am 2015-06-16 um 22:28 schrieb Jeremy White:
Um, nearly all of the work that we do on CrossOver is done by sending public emails to this mailing list. How is that not open? Or perhaps I should ask - what gave you the impression that we did not develop openly?
I think the problem is that what's being discussed is often not understandable by mere mortals. E.g. Nikolay's Mail says "dwrite: Fix the way drawing effects are reported for inline objects." when users want an answer to the question "Do you work on Office 2013? What is the status of the work? How can I help?"
(Just picking the latest patch from Nikolay as an example. It also applies to my patches, although I do try to give a lot of information what the patch does, even though I know Henri can see it just from the code. I still get questions on IRC and private mails asking if "wined3d: Set the gl resource type in resource_init." improves performance.)
Of course any second spent on writing patch descriptions is a second not spent on writing more patches.