On 01/05/2010 07:02 PM, Reece Dunn wrote:
2010/1/6 James McKenziejjmckenzie51@earthlink.net:
Reece Dunn wrote:
2010/1/5 Michael Stefaniucmstefani@redhat.com:
877 | 209 | shell:DllCanUnloadNow stub
DllCanUnloadNow is a hint to the operating system to know if it can free the library, unloading it from memory. It is fine for this to always return S_FALSE (i.e. never unload) -- I believe there was discussion around this for mshtml, shdocvw or similar DLL.
Just my 2eurocent here, but this is very ugly and misleading to the average Wine user (including me.) It might be a good idea to clear this one up if possible.
What do you mean?
Do you mean something like http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms690368%28VS.85%29.aspx for an explanation?
I think he means that "FIXME" implies that something needs to be "fixed", and that that particular FIXME pops up a lot.